회장: 니콜라 프라스키니 (The University of Western Australia)
부회장: 이나라 (University of Queensland)
부회장: 혜련 마틴 (Homebush Public School)
총무: 김현미 (The University of Western Australia)
회계: 칼렙 켈소 마르쉬 (The University of Western Australia)
웹사이트 관리자: 가브리엘 스파르타 (The University of Western Australia)
President: Dr Nicola Fraschini (The University of Western Australia)
Vice-president: Dr Narah Lee (University of Queensland)
Vice-president: Ms Hae-ryun Martin (Homebush Public School)
Secretary: Ms Hyunmi Kim (The University of Western Australia)
Treasurer: Mr Caleb-Kelso Marsh (The University of Western Australia)
Website manager: Ms Gabriel Sparta (The University of Western Australia)